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The Overflowing Riches of God (Bouwman)
SKU 9780887560941
Revisiting the Belgic Confession:
The gospel on the Lord Jesus Christ touches people's lives where they laugh and cry, work and sleep, walk and drive. Four hundred years ago Guido deBres put to paper what he heard God say in His Holy Word. He did so in order that his congregation might receive encouragement and instruction in the midst of life's dust and dirt. Christians living in today's tumultuous times can still receive encouragement and instruction from this creed of centuries ago.
This book is for those who wish to increase their knowledge of who this God is who leads and governs every event in today's world. Questions to assist discussion conclude each chapter.
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Product Details:
- Paperback: 424 pages
- Published: 2008
- ISBN: 9780887560941
- Author: Clarence Bouwman
Product Details:
- Clarence Bouwman received his theological training at the Theological College of the Canadian Refrmed Churches in Hamilton. He has served congregations in Canada and Australia. He has authored other books including Ezra, Nine Sermons, Notes on the Belgic Confession, Notes on the Canons of Dort, and To Live is Christ: Sermons on Paul's Letter to the Phillipians.